Thursday, May 29, 2008

Now I'm the FREAK!

I guess good ol' Karma is giving me a taste of my own medicine! So on the last post I wrote about Jeff banging & clanging around at 6:30 in the morning. Well, today it was my turn! 5:00 AM rolls around and I'm wide awake. I tried to go back to sleep & did a little reading but to no avail. So I got up and packed the last few items in the kitchen and bathroom.

The movers will be here at 8:00 tomorrow morning. By that time Jeff & I will be so exhausted we'll probably oversleep!

We spent our long holiday weekend out at "Gopher State" round-up and celebrated with our friends in recovery. The registration on Saturday night was 0ver 7400 people...that's insane! It's just one big huge party! We had a great time and we were even able to get a room at the last minute. What a nice surprise from my Jeffrey! It was a nice getaway from our apartments which have been in shambles for the past month!

Hopefully tomorrow at this time we'll be un-packing at our new apartment...Stewart Ave here we come!

Friday, May 23, 2008


So Jeff & I are planning to move-in together before our wedding in August. What do I hear this morning at 6:30 AM?? Bang, clang, bonk! Jeff is scrubbing his bathtub & floor on his hands and knees. So much for beauty rest! So that is how we'll be spending the next two weeks until we're officially in our new apartment. He's much more anxious about this move than I am but I have been known to go ghetto and move in garbage bags! So....needless to say I'm not too stressed out about the packing part. I am nervous about living with a boy!! I'm used to living with girls or my brothers so we'll see how this unfolds. I guess if we're going to get married we do need to live together right?! Ha ha...actually, truth be told I can hardly wait to live with Jeff. I'm counting down the days!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Welcome to our blog!!!

So here we are! I have enjoyed reading up on everyone else's blogs and thought it was time to start our own. I also wanted to keep our loved ones posted on our day-to-day lives! As most of you know Jeff and I are getting ready for our big day in August. So most of the posts at this point will be focused on Wedding Day Bliss.

For those of you who don't know our "history" I'll use our first blog to tell the story of how we met and became a couple! Jeff & I actually met four years ago at a recovery group we attend. We even took a service committment together carefully arranging that we would ride in the car together...just he & I. But as the fates would have it nothing happened until two years later! We stared across the room at eachother and finally I got the nerve up to e-mail him....I know, I couldn't even call him! He then had the big enough hint to ask me out! The rest is well, history. So we dated for a year and a half before he popped the question on my birthday in October of 2007. So we're heading to the alter on August 9, 2008 and looking forward to the big day!